Blog Archives

Are You Being A “Business Robot”?


They say that insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results!

• Things not go your way last year with respect to your business or sales territory?

• Have your tried and tested systems brought consistent lack-lustre results?

• Are you becoming less motivated every day, and need some new perspective?

• Have you been diagnosed with the “February Blues“?


You had a great year, but still want to take your success to another level?



You have come to the right place for inspiration and new perspective for 2015!


Check out these sales resources:

• Your Sales Playbook

• Bob Burg

• Sales Playbook LinkedIn Group (40,000+ members strong!)


Incredible Podcasts

• Michael Hyatt

• John Lee Dumas

• Pat Flynn


A fantastic social media book!

• Jab Jab Jab Right Hook by Gary Vaynerchuk


If you need any other resources in sales, leadership, networking or social media, feel free to leave a comment or email me at:

Let’s make 2015 the best year ever!

Oh yeah! If we have not connected on Facebook yet, why not stop by and “like” me?

Please Share – Anthony Carbajal’s Ice Bucket Challenge

As many of you know I completed the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge a couple of weeks ago.

I have been amazed to watch this movement grow and grow for this incredibly horrible disease.

I was particularly moved yesterday when I was shown a video of Anthony Carbajal.

Please watch until the end. One you get past his ice bucket challenge, his message is very powerful.

Together we can all make a difference. This is why we are all doing the Ice Bucket Challenge. Please share with friends, family, colleagues… anyone who can help out. And across your social media channels.

So far this video has over 15 million views!

Please also give to your local ALS chapter:

Or your local chapters around the world!

Thanks and keep smiling 🙂




My Collaborative Leadership List!

Here if the final draft of the “Collaborative Leadership List” that I compiled in June 2012 with a “Five Star 5” post. My points are in bold, followed by the contributor’s comments. Thanks to everyone for the awesome additions!

  • Motivate, inspire and most importantly have fun
  • Give an enthusiastic “thank you” when things go well, and a supportive ear when things go wrong
  • Be a positive example with your work ethic, and have a desire to succeed that others are proud to follow
  • Understand that all your employees are unique people and need to be managed accordingly
  • As often as possible smile,  laugh and have a bounce in your step!

“Beat employees regularly with a big stick!” (Joking of Course!) – Stuart Young

“Be authentic and transparent. Say what you’re going to do and do it. Transparency requires humanity. Show your team you’re vulnerable. Not only will they be more forgiving, they’ll be more supportive.” – Chad Miller

“My best leaders have been able to see (and bring out) more greatness in me than I could see in myself. My dad has long contended that the best leaders philosophically approach their leadership with the idea that they need their people more than their people need them.” – Broc Edwards

“Step in and help out when it is least expected just to lighten another’s load.They really appreciate it and most of the time deserve it.” – Tina Del Buono

“I make an effort to catch my people doing something RIGHT, then I praise them for it. Too easy to catch them doing something wrong.
When something goes bad I make sure I am “firm on the issue, not the person”. – Steve Vanega

“On your second point.. great leaders not only be a supportive ear but also takes the responsibility when things go wrong. We have seen this great example through Howard Schultz of Starbucks. On your 4th point, I totally agree with you. This happens in my organization where the leaders often see their followers as a collective unit as opposed to recognize their own unique personality.” – Chen Choon

“We often “Celebrate” as well. Ups, Downs, challenges and all the other nitty gritty goodies that come in sales. Having spirits high and loyalties in check = imperative” – Cara Adams

Have A Laugh Fridays – Kid President Pep Talk!

How have I not seen this? Kid President rocks!

Almost 32 million other people have viewed it.

I watched this twice with my wife and son last night.

It is very cool!

Have an incredible weekend and keep smilin’

Kid President says pass this pep talk along, and get the whole world to dance!

The Five Star 5 – Why I Am LOVING Blogging!


For those of you who have followed me for part (or all) of this two-year blogging  journey, you will know that I am having the time of my life!

Here’s why:

  1. Help others
  2. Share my message
  3. Meet incredible people
  4. Promote and share other’s content
  5. Learn from fellow bloggers
  • If you are currently blogging, why are you loving it?
  • If you are you on the verge of blogging, what are you most looking forward to?

Let’s connect!

Please keep me posted on your blogging journey. I will be posting some success stories!

Saturday Music Memories – Garth & Billy!

I had the distinct pleasure of seeing Garth Brooks play live in the mid 1990’s – and I was blown away! He is on a shortlist of artists that I would pay anything to see live again.

His passion for his music, his fans, and life in general is contagious!

My wife and I tried to see him in Las Vegas over the past few months, but it did just not work out.

The next best thing was on TV last night. He aired a two-hour concert from his recent stint at the Wynn in Las Vegas.

Here is a live cut of “Shameless” with Billy Joel live at the historic Shea Stadium in New York!

Keep on enjoying your weekend…

Which “Version” of You Do You Want To Be?

If you have ever been in a funk during your career (especially now) you need to take a couple of minutes and read this.

Close your eyes and take several deep breaths. Think back to a time when everything was clicking with your current role. Reflect on why things were going so well, and what you were doing specifically (and how you were feeling) to make it all happen.

It is my experience that when people are confident, have a positive attitude and a bounce in their step, everything falls in to place over time. As I write this line, I think back to how great I feel when I am “on my game” while golfing! Dr. Bob Rotella has some incredible content on the mental side of golf. I see many parallels with the psychology of sales, and will continue to explore the similarities down the road.

I worked with a retailer in the past that put heavy emphasis on employees closing the sale with the first customer who walked through the door each morning. Why? Because that put them in a great mindset for the rest of the day. On a larger scale, if you make half of your sales quota in the first week of the month the pressure is off, and you can get to work and sell more comfortably for the next three weeks.

To be clear, relaxed does not mean taking it easy. More that you don’t feel the pressure of every sales call or every retail customer having to result in a sale immediately.

Many little things can throw us off and put us in to a funk for long periods of time. Remember when you did poorly on an exam or test in school? Did that make you a bad student? Of course not. I drew a total blank during one exam and failed the course.

That one blemish did not make me a bad student, but it certainly toughened me up, and I made darn sure that it did not happen again! The key is to shrug off those setbacks as soon as possible, and get back to your reality of success.

I wanted you to reflect on being in an awesome place with your role because you deserve to “return there” as soon as possible. I have wrestled with “self-doubt” demons several times during my career and felt that my current existence was just the way that things were going to be forever. Thankfully I would always snap out of it.

I am very respectful that the economy and other things out of our control can certainly affect our mindset and general demeanor for extended periods of time. But when every setback moves you further and further from your goals, job satisfaction and ultimately overall happiness, the negative spiral can be catastrophic!

If you need to hit “reset” with your current role …..

Splash some cold water on your face, take a good look in the mirror, and become that “you” that you really want to be again. You deserve it!

  • Are you at the top of your game with your current role?
  • Like a golf swing, are you “feeling it” now?
  • If not, what changes can you make as soon as possible to get back to the best “version” of yourself?

Saturday Music Memories – “What A Nice Day”

I just got Keith Urban tickets yesterday for a January 2014 show in Edmonton! I thought it would be appropriate to share this blog post again!

Keith Urban is one of my favourite artists. I have had the extreme pleasure of seeing him play live twice. I think Alicia Keys is one of the greatest talents in the music industry today. The collaborated at Live Earth in July 2007 for a fantastic rendition of “Gimme Shelter” by the Rolling Stones.

Have a great weekend everyone!

The Seven Powers of Words

Great post by Dan this morning! Hope you like it as much as I did. Have an awesome Thursday…

Leadership Freak

Complaining says stop or improve, but doesn’t improve anything. Encouraging points to behaviors or attitudes to continue, but doesn’t continue anything.

The danger of talking is it feels like doing.

The biggest waste of words:

It feels good to get something off your chest. But, “off your chest” conversations are pleas for affirmation not expressions of leadership.

Weak leaders run around getting things off their chest. It’s self-centered, self-indulgent, and self-defeating. Leadership is about them not you.

Talk is when it’s the environment of action.

The 7 powers of words:

  1. Connect. Words that create connection are about others not you. Trust is the predecessor and indicator of connection.
  2. Persuade. Spend more time connecting and it will take fewer words to persuade. Convincing others is about them, not you.
  3. Focus. It’s normal to focus on what matters. Leaders explain what matters now.
  4. Open. Nothing opens hearts and…

View original post 165 more words

Raw Talent vs. Passion – And The Winner Is…

I went to a Van Halen concert last spring.  It was a huge letdown after waiting 28 years to see the first incarnation of the band, and I won’t be seeing them again, EVER! If you are not a Van Halen fan that is ok, this is a broader message than just about their music. I have wanted to see The Van Halen brothers with David Lee Roth since I first heard of them as an eleven year old in 1984. I am still not sure how I was able to convince my parents to buy me a cassette tape with a baby smoking on the cover!

The show did not come close to meeting my expectations. Would they have been incredible if I had seen them in late 1984 or early 1985 before they broke up? I have a hunch it would have been amazing. But this is 2012, and it seemed like a job to them, and they “had to be there”. There was no chemistry between David Lee Roth and Eddie Van Halen, and they seemed to be going through the motions.

The hastily introduced “Jump” as the last song and did not even come out for an encore! News broke a week later that they had cancelled their summer tour. “Allegedly” there is serious infighting within the band. Other reports are now saying that fatigue has been an issue for band members, and the tour will take up to two years.  They are taking precautions not to burn out.

Rewind to 2004 when Van Halen was touring with Sammy Hagar once again, and Michael Anthony was still playing bass. It was my birthday, and I had an incredible time. The band was in synch, they were having a great time, and Sammy was signing autographs for the fans in the front row. There were already rumours surfacing that Sammy and Ed were not getting along, but I did not get that sense that fall evening in Edmonton, Canada.

Eddie Van Halen is one of the greatest guitarists ever, but I have never gotten a warm and fuzzy off him. Sammy is not a guitar playing or singing virtuoso, but is an above average musician and vocalist. What he lacks in raw talent, he more than makes up for with passion and love for his “career”, and the fans that have supported him for over 40 years.

Sammy Hagar and Michael Anthony have formed a new band named Chickenfoot with Joe Satriani and Chad Smith (from the Red Hot Chili Peppers), and their shows are electric. They are having the time of their lives, and care deeply for those they are performing for.

I had a chance to see the band in Vancouver when my friend was working for them, and I did not go. I am still kicking myself. I hope to see them again in the future. If I had a choice to see Sammy Hagar/Michael Anthony or Eddie Van Halen/David Lee Roth perform one more time in my life, hands down it would be Sammy and Mike. Eddie may play the guitar like no other, but raw talent is not the only criteria where I will spend my hard-earned dollars on. It is on my bucket list to go see Sammy Hagar play in Cabo in Mexico at his birthday bash one year. And that WILL happen. I can’t wait!

How does this all relate to business? You don’t need an “off-the-charts” IQ, or raw talent to achieve massive success. You need to show up regularly though. You have to care about those paying for your products and/or services, and be willing to go “that extra mile” when they need you the most.

The passion that you exude for your audience/customers, the depth that you are willing to go to help them get to where they want, will pay dividends in the long run. I needed Eddie Van Halen and David Lee Roth to “knock it out of the park”, and they let me down.

  •  What band’s concert have you attended, or company have you “dealt with” that just  blew you away?
  •  On the flip side, what band let you down at their live show, or company disappointed you, and you will never “deal” with them again?