Blog Archives

5 Important Words For Leaders

I worked with a super-fantastic guy once. He was a senior manager that I thought could always run the company. He talked about these 5 words with respect to a leadership team. I wrote them down immediately and have always remembered them.

Let’s connect on Instagram!

5 Words Bob B Aug 4








Are You Being A “Business Robot”?


They say that insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results!

• Things not go your way last year with respect to your business or sales territory?

• Have your tried and tested systems brought consistent lack-lustre results?

• Are you becoming less motivated every day, and need some new perspective?

• Have you been diagnosed with the “February Blues“?


You had a great year, but still want to take your success to another level?



You have come to the right place for inspiration and new perspective for 2015!


Check out these sales resources:

• Your Sales Playbook

• Bob Burg

• Sales Playbook LinkedIn Group (40,000+ members strong!)


Incredible Podcasts

• Michael Hyatt

• John Lee Dumas

• Pat Flynn


A fantastic social media book!

• Jab Jab Jab Right Hook by Gary Vaynerchuk


If you need any other resources in sales, leadership, networking or social media, feel free to leave a comment or email me at:

Let’s make 2015 the best year ever!

Oh yeah! If we have not connected on Facebook yet, why not stop by and “like” me?

My Collaborative Leadership List!

Here if the final draft of the “Collaborative Leadership List” that I compiled in June 2012 with a “Five Star 5” post. My points are in bold, followed by the contributor’s comments. Thanks to everyone for the awesome additions!

  • Motivate, inspire and most importantly have fun
  • Give an enthusiastic “thank you” when things go well, and a supportive ear when things go wrong
  • Be a positive example with your work ethic, and have a desire to succeed that others are proud to follow
  • Understand that all your employees are unique people and need to be managed accordingly
  • As often as possible smile,  laugh and have a bounce in your step!

“Beat employees regularly with a big stick!” (Joking of Course!) – Stuart Young

“Be authentic and transparent. Say what you’re going to do and do it. Transparency requires humanity. Show your team you’re vulnerable. Not only will they be more forgiving, they’ll be more supportive.” – Chad Miller

“My best leaders have been able to see (and bring out) more greatness in me than I could see in myself. My dad has long contended that the best leaders philosophically approach their leadership with the idea that they need their people more than their people need them.” – Broc Edwards

“Step in and help out when it is least expected just to lighten another’s load.They really appreciate it and most of the time deserve it.” – Tina Del Buono

“I make an effort to catch my people doing something RIGHT, then I praise them for it. Too easy to catch them doing something wrong.
When something goes bad I make sure I am “firm on the issue, not the person”. – Steve Vanega

“On your second point.. great leaders not only be a supportive ear but also takes the responsibility when things go wrong. We have seen this great example through Howard Schultz of Starbucks. On your 4th point, I totally agree with you. This happens in my organization where the leaders often see their followers as a collective unit as opposed to recognize their own unique personality.” – Chen Choon

“We often “Celebrate” as well. Ups, Downs, challenges and all the other nitty gritty goodies that come in sales. Having spirits high and loyalties in check = imperative” – Cara Adams

The Five Star 5 -Ideas, Ideas, Ideas!

Thinking Business Woman Looking Up On Many Questions Mark Isolat

Coming up with fresh, entertaining and captivating blog content on a regular basis can be tough. I am kind of lucky, in that my brain is always “on” and ideas continually flow!

But I still need to look for more inspiration, and came up with the three fantastic articles that have inspired me to keep evolving my content!

From “Copy Blogger”

From “Start Blogging Online”

From “ProBlogger”

Here are a few things that help me gather information and create content.

  1. Always have a pen and notebook within arm’s reach. Do this electronically if you like, and NEVER assume that you will remember something later without documenting it!
  2. Create an “Inspiration File”. Archive articles or other content that has peaked your curiosity to refer back to later.
  3. Be aware of things around you. Great ideas can come from the radio, TV, people you socialize with, or observing others.
  4. Review old content or notes.  A slightly different twist can bring new life to information.
  5. No idea is silly or crazy! No matter how out of left field something may seem at the time, you never know what might come of it!

Keep creating, be open to all possibilities with your writing, and HAVE FUN 🙂


The Five Star 5 – My Favourite Words

These words were once spoken to me by an executive manager, who became a friend I respect greatly to this day:

  • Trust
  • Respect
  • Loyalty
  • Passion
  • Inspiration

I will never forget where the conversation occurred, and how it affected me going forward. They were “stamped” in his memory, and the commentary came straight from the heart:

An organization and specifically a sales team “achieving” these five words can mean great things are currently happening or are coming soon. On the flip side, if any or all or these words are “breached” by team members, well let’s just say things may not go as planned!

I have tried to write something very insightful utilizing these five words for at least four years now, but always have trouble.

I will leave it open to your interpretation.

What do these five words mean to you?

I just know that I get to a very good place in short order when I see those five words all in a row!

Have A Laugh Fridays – Kid President Pep Talk!

How have I not seen this? Kid President rocks!

Almost 32 million other people have viewed it.

I watched this twice with my wife and son last night.

It is very cool!

Have an incredible weekend and keep smilin’

Kid President says pass this pep talk along, and get the whole world to dance!

The Five Star 5 – Why I Am LOVING Blogging!


For those of you who have followed me for part (or all) of this two-year blogging  journey, you will know that I am having the time of my life!

Here’s why:

  1. Help others
  2. Share my message
  3. Meet incredible people
  4. Promote and share other’s content
  5. Learn from fellow bloggers
  • If you are currently blogging, why are you loving it?
  • If you are you on the verge of blogging, what are you most looking forward to?

Let’s connect!

Please keep me posted on your blogging journey. I will be posting some success stories!

Saturday Music Memories – Garth & Billy!

I had the distinct pleasure of seeing Garth Brooks play live in the mid 1990’s – and I was blown away! He is on a shortlist of artists that I would pay anything to see live again.

His passion for his music, his fans, and life in general is contagious!

My wife and I tried to see him in Las Vegas over the past few months, but it did just not work out.

The next best thing was on TV last night. He aired a two-hour concert from his recent stint at the Wynn in Las Vegas.

Here is a live cut of “Shameless” with Billy Joel live at the historic Shea Stadium in New York!

Keep on enjoying your weekend…

Career Quicksand – How Deep Are You Sinking?

I have been lucky enough to work out of a home office for 11 of the last 13 years. The two years that I had an office to report in to, I would get stuck in traffic daily. It gave me many opportunities to look at other people’s faces, as their days were off to very “slow” starts too.

Some looked sad; others looked angry or frustrated, some had blank stares or even looked dazed. On occasion, some were smiling, while others where actually singing! It blew my mind how many people looked unhappy though. Is it realistic to believe that all of them looked that way because they were unhappy going to work? Of course not. Some must have been dealing with other issues too (some were of course frustrated by the continual traffic jams).

Most studies report that 7 or 8 out of 10 people do not like their jobs! One study in the sales profession showed that more than 50% of people should not even be sales at all! Are you one of those people getting out of bed dreading the next 8 to 12 hours every day?

Internet marketer Gary Vaynerchuk changed his entire career path because he was only 99% happy in his situation at the time. To me, that was an incredibly powerful statement. As people become more and more unhappy with their jobs over the months, years or even decades, it is like they are sinking further and further into quicksand. The more unhappy they get, the deeper they sink. On the odd occasion that they try to change jobs, they try a little bit, then just stop trying all together.

People typically want to make the switch, but “life gets in the way”. A job search gets put on the back burner. Others lack confidence, and don’t feel that they are good enough to have a shot at “career satisfaction”. Too many people settle for the status quo, and don’t take action. Some stay in a career that they just don’t like, becoming a “work robot” completing the same repetitive tasks at nauseum, for what seems like an eternity.

The next thing they know, five, ten or 20+ years have passed, and then wake up one day saying, “What the heck am I still doing here?” I can tell you from experience that being comfortable in a role that “pays the bills” does not equal happiness. Not even close.

When you are in love with your career, you should rarely be counting down the minutes until the end of the day, week, or until holidays start. I had a manager tell me that you should be excited to go to work, from the moment your feet hit the floor each morning. So many people over the years have said that “every day should feel like a Saturday”, or “your work should not feel like a job”.

It can be a good practice to check in with yourself every now and then.

  • How happy are you with your career?
  • Is it heading in the direction you would like it to?

If you feel “sunk”, the good news is you can always change your path going forward.

Remember, “You don’t drown by falling in water. You only drown by staying there.” – Zig Ziglar

  • What does your perfect job look like (yes, you can have the perfect job)?
  • How does that list compare to the job you’re currently in?
  • What one step can you take today to move towards loving your job?



Have A Laugh Fridays – Incredible Toastmasters Speech!

Think back to those times when you laughed so hard, you had a hard time breathing for a moment, and even cried a little?

I had that experience in the fall of 2012 when I attended the regional Toastmasters Conference in Edmonton, Canada. Andrew Legg blew the audience away and won the humorous speech contest giving us his take on the “Different Stages Of Laughter”.

Please take a moment to share this one with his network, it is a truly remarkable job by a Toastmaster, not a professional comedian!

Have a great weekend!