Category Archives: Inspiration

The Arnold Palmer Theory

Simple but very powerful!

Let’s connect on Instagram!


I’m So Proud Of My Wife – Check This out!

My wife has been doing some very cool stuff for the past few weeks!

Check out this great post.

Inspiring, and incredibly motivating!

Unexpectedly Providing Value At Age 19

When you are a teenager, working for the first time, it is truly all about the money. Finally, you have some independence from your parents, and can start to buy things for yourself!  As you make a little more money and get different jobs through high school, earning money gets even more exciting. The thought of providing any value to others as a teenager does not even register for most. I was part of that group. Then there was a real shift for me when I was 19 years old, thanks to my dad.

I was making $5.25 per hour working at a buffet restaurant in the summer of 1992. I was working a lot because I was off from university for a few months, and the “money was rolling in” (or so I thought). My dad was teaching an adult education class in the evenings, and connected with a man who needed some math upgrading. He was involved in an accident, and had to pursue a new career due to his injuries. The kicker was he needed his high school diploma to qualify for most jobs.

My dad could not commit to doing all the tutoring himself, so he asked if I would help at a rate of $30 per hour.

“$30 PER HOUR?” I said.

“You bet”, said my dad back.

“WHEN DO I START?” I hastily replied.

I was excited because I was going to make more money working with him in two hours a day, then I would make in eight hours per day at the restaurant!

As I started to work with the man, it soon became very clear that it would not be as easy as I thought. Just because I understood math very well, did not mean that my knowledge was going to “rub off on him” as quickly. There were some difficult days at the beginning of the process, but by the end, we were working well together. We gained a mutual respect for each other as time passed. I often caught myself thinking that this guy must have thought that I was a “know-it-all young punk”, but realistically that was not the case. He was in a jam, and I was there to help.

This was a life changing experience for a 19-year-old kid, to realize the value that I provided was much more important than the money I was receiving. It did take a while to get to that place, because all I could think about was the $60 that I made each time I saw him!

In retrospect I would have done it for free, because I changed a life. As I look back now, that is what I remember the most. The memory of the money is only for story telling purposes. I helped him get back on his feet when something terrible had happened.  As a 19 years old kid, $30 per hour to me then was like $200 per hour today!

In the end, my “compensation” was that he got to start over again, and I played a small part in that.

You are not going to get paid for everything that you do in your life, that is a fact. When you realize that helping others, providing value and not always expecting something in return is a great way to live your life, it will be a real game changer. It was for me!

  • When have you provided value for someone, and not even realized it at the time?
  • Do you have the mindset of “what is in it for me?” before deciding if you should help somebody?
  • Is it time to start giving unconditionally?

The Road “Accidentally Travelled”

Forked Road, Depicting The Concept: Choices Or Choosing

On the way home from our family vacation this summer, I turned on to a highway that I taken at least 5 times over the past 10 years. Or so I thought 😦

Shortly after I passed through the first town, something did not seem right. The road seemed more narrow, and we were travelling through more small towns, at lower speeds. Finally after about 45 minutes, I said to my wife, “check out where we are on”.

Sure enough, I had taken a wrong turn, and we were going in a totally different direction. I was disappointed in myself. I had delayed the arrival at our hotel and “pool time” with our kids before bed. From that moment on for the next hour or so, I tried to speed a bit to make up time. Travelling with a seven and one year old, I wanted to get them out of the vehicle and playing as soon as possible.

Then my wife told me just to relax and enjoy the journey, it was no big deal. We would get there when we get there.

From there on, the rest of the ride was fun. We saw some towns we had never seen before, had supper at a “classic” diner, and even saw Santa Claus – yes Santa Claus in August! We passed through a small town that had a large statue of Santa right on their main street. The kids really loved getting pictures with him in the middle of summer. The sunset was gorgeous, and my wife took some fantastic pictures to help remember our extended travel day.

What I took away from this is things don’t always go as initially planned, but you have to embrace the “turns and twists” in the road. When I first got online four years ago, I thought I had to know exactly where I would be going before I launched a first blog and website. I have come to terms with when I launch something new, it may look totally different six months or a year from now, but I just have to get started. Putting myself out there will be the key to success, not trying to perfect something ahead of time in my head that is unproven.

  • Have things not gone according to your exact plan online?
  • How have you adapted to the changes that have come your way?
  • How did your feel initially, and how do you feel now about the “online path” you are on?

If you feel “stuck” or are having trouble with any aspect of your online business, I am here to help.

Heck if you need a “gentle nudge” just to get started please let me know.

I have probably had many of the same feelings and experiences that you are having now.

Feel free to email me at:

Or reach out via social media at:

Enjoy the rest of your week!











Please Share – Anthony Carbajal’s Ice Bucket Challenge

As many of you know I completed the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge a couple of weeks ago.

I have been amazed to watch this movement grow and grow for this incredibly horrible disease.

I was particularly moved yesterday when I was shown a video of Anthony Carbajal.

Please watch until the end. One you get past his ice bucket challenge, his message is very powerful.

Together we can all make a difference. This is why we are all doing the Ice Bucket Challenge. Please share with friends, family, colleagues… anyone who can help out. And across your social media channels.

So far this video has over 15 million views!

Please also give to your local ALS chapter:

Or your local chapters around the world!

Thanks and keep smiling 🙂




Happy 70th Birthday To My Mom!


My mom Carolynn, who I affectionately call “Carrie” turns 70 years young today!

My family and I had the pleasure of celebrating this milestone event with my dad, sister and family a couple of weeks ago in her hometown of Gimli, Manitoba. She was thrilled to catch up with family and close friends.

She taught elementary school for many years before starting her “real job” of taking care of my sister and yours truly. She was a fixture over the years playing the piano at our schools and volunteering. I was always so proud to see her playing the piano at our assemblies. She returned to the workforce after we were “all growed up”.

Now her job as “Amma” (Icelandic for Grandma) to her four grandchildren keeps her smiling and having fun. My parents love coming to visit us in Edmonton, and enjoy the time they spend with their other two grand children, daughter and son-in-law in Winnipeg too.


When my dad turned 70 last year, I mentioned that our family loves to have fun and laugh! My 3 favourite moments laughing with my mom are:

#1 I was explaining to my mom that I was really tired one day, and was going to watch a quick movie that night. It was called, “Back Of My Eyelids”. Her reply, “I don’t think I have seen that one dear.”

#2 She was shopping at the local mall, and either forgot where she parked the car, or it was actually moved. We may never know what actually happened. Word spread to a few of our neighbors, and the next time she went to visit our “adopted grandpa” next door, he just opened the front door a bit and very eloquently said, “I am sorry dear, but you don’t live here.”

#3 She is the best “backseat driver” I have ever seen! Her passenger seat shoulder checks are impeccable, and the “passenger side fake brake” always gets a workout when she is in a car.

We have laughed about these stories for years.

Her memory and commitment to family and friends is truly amazing. She seems to remember every person that she has ever met, and I have always been impressed by that. I recently quizzed her on our Icelandic family history, and her attention to detail as far back as 60+ years ago was incredible. I guess that is where I get it from! I have often looked at the calendar in her kitchen and asked, “Do you actually acknowledge all of those birthdays, anniversaries etc?” And the answer, of course, is “yes”.

You know our conversations would always be interesting when it started with “You remember that person from…..”

She is still sharp as a tack when it comes to the little details.

Always so selfless, I have only known her to think of others first. “No” has not been a very popular word in her vocabulary over the years. But “what can I do to help?” has been ringing in my ears since I was a kid. She has been there for so many family members and friends when they needed her; I lost count years ago.

My mom is very musical, and comes from a very musical family. I wish I was a bit older so I could have witnessed all the fun evenings at my grandparents place with the sounds of piano, violin and laughter resonating throughout the house. One of our family’s favourite traditions is to have the neighbors over after dinner on Christmas Eve. It is always fun when mom plays piano and we have a big old sing-song with everyone 🙂


Oh I almost forgot! My mom “taught me” to stay up late as a teenager. We watched “The Arsenio Hall Show” late together long before the days of time-sharing channels on TV. Those were also the early days of CNN. To this day her and dad stay up waaaaaayyyy too late and often I will text and say “go to bed” well after 12:30 am 🙂

I said a few words during mom’s birthday celebration a few weeks ago, and did not have notes. It was a whirlwind event and what I said is all kind of a blur to me now.

What I hope I said was my dad, sister and myself, and all our family and friends love her very much.

I will never forget the time she asked me, “Why did dad and I get invited to one of your friends’ weddings and none of the other parents did?” My reply,” You guys are different mom, you are the best!”

She has been the backbone of our family for 45 years, and we love her to pieces. Her infectious smile, fantastic laugh and helpful nature have made her a fixture growing up in Icelandic communities of rural Manitoba (Gimli & Hnausa), and now in her local community (Transcona, a suburb of Winnipeg, Manitoba).

Here’s to many more years of health, happiness and laughter my dear!


Love Tim and family



Down, Down But Not Out!

Happy Golf Ball Character Swinging A Golf Club

I LOVE golf, and I love following Mike Weir, one of Canada’s national sports treasures.

He accomplished the unthinkable in 2003 and won the Master’s Golf tournament, the most coveted championship in all of golf. He put in a few more good years, and then the wheels fell off. An elbow injury, swing changes, loss of confidence.

It went from bad to worse and then finally, he almost fell off the map. He had more money than he could ever dream of, and could have packed it in and lived happily ever after. But this was golf, this was all he knew, this was what he LOVED to do. Well it all paid off last weekend. He was one shot back in the final round of the Byron Nelson tournament with a chance to win. He  played a fantastic round, and came up two shots short. A bounce here and there and he would have won.

Check out these two articles about his exciting weekend and 2nd place cheque for $750,000.


The best part of the story was seeing the smile on his face as he walked off the course and was interviewed after the round. The feeling of self-satisfaction must have been overwhelming.

Don’t quit… EVER

Things will get difficult along the way

But think about the FANTASTIC feeling you will have when you get where you want to go!

I don’t care if you are starting a business, growing an existing one, or making time in your life to do things that you really want to do.

This is your one shot, so you might as well make the most of it.

Mike Weir did and he is finally LOVING what he has always wanted to do in this lifetime again – play golf 🙂

40,000 Blog Views THANK YOU!


Good Day Everyone!

When I started to write more than four years ago now, I had no idea where this journey was going to take me. I was just hoping that somebody other than close friends and family would take the time to read what I had to say at some point.

Through some incredible people who I follow like Pat Flynn from “Smart Passive Income” and John Lee Dumas from “Entrepreneur On Fire” I have learned about the power of sharing results of online businesses. Now these fine gentlemen have fully operational business that they make very good income at. I am not there at, but I have been very proud to share some key milestone moments along the way with my readers.

None of this has been done to brag, or pump out my chest to proclaim that I am superman or something.

I just want to inspire anyone who is struggling to get an online business going, start a blog, or even write their first article. Maybe you are stuck a bit (like I was recently) and are attempting to take things to the next level!

  • You can do this.
  • Your opinion matters.
  • We all have good days and bad, but the good WILL outweigh the bad.

You just gotta keep moving forward.

I still remember the day that I first grabbed a pen and notebook and started to write my thoughts a few months after I lost a job in early 2010. I was early for a sales call at my new role and something sparked creativity inside of me and I started to make notes about a few business ideas I had.

I am so happy that I kept writing, and ultimately gave myself the opportunity to have my message heard.

I am working on my first website so we can “keep this party going” for many more years to come.

  • Where are you at with your business?
  • Things going as planned?
  • Need a little reminder of how awesome you are, or need a little “nudge” to move things forward?

As always, feel free to leave a comment, or shoot me an email at

Would love to hear from ya!

You can also swing by my Facebook page at and leave a comment there too!

Thanks for taking the time to read this, and being part of my incredible community 🙂





Is It Time To Do Some “Cleaning”?

Building on my theme from yesterday about participating in a “marathon” rather than “sprint” I thought some “cleaning” might be in order too! It was a nice reminder reading this old post today!

Our second child was due this past Monday. Every day that the baby does not arrive, allows my wife and I some extra time to do a few things around the house (even though we should be relaxing by now). Over the past few months we have:

  • cleaned the garage top to bottom
  • organized a basement crawl space in preparation for building a kids playroom
  • donated toys, clothes, and any other household items that we were not using anymore
  • And last but certainly not least, put our office back together two nights ago after 8 months of working in the dining room!

The incredible feeling of walking in to my office and finally using it again this week after a hard wood floor renovation made me smile from ear to ear. All of the other tasks that we completed have lifted a heavy weight off our shoulders as well.

It just made me think:

  • what are we all “carrying around” personally and professionally that is holding us back?
  • when is it a good time to “clear” these things out of our lives?

Perhaps today is finally the day to do something that will make you feel fantastic and help you only look forward.

Jeb Blount once said “a little bit every day” and I have stood by that motto since the day I heard it.

I’m just sayin’ 🙂

Are You In A Marathon Or A Sprint?


When I first researched internet marketing opportunities, I  briefly started to plan my retirement too! It seemed like everyone I was following was making six figure incomes right away, so why couldn’t I?

I soon got a reality check 🙂

Building a brand and a business is a marathon and not a sprint.  It sounds cliche, but it is a very powerful analogy.

Success still takes old fashion hard work and persistence. There is no replacement for that.

You need to work at it everyday, and be patient.

Never stop learning, embrace the setbacks and have fun!

Things WILL happen!