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A Wicked Brand – By A Dude With A NameTag

I love Scott Ginsberg. He is truly one of a kind. That’s what it means to have an awesome personal brand right?

He has been wearing a name tag for many many years – every day for that matter.

Check out his Ted Talk video, to learn a little more about the man that puts a smile on my face every time I read his content!

Drop by my new facebook page and say hi:

Have a great weekend!

My Two Cents – LinkedIn Do’s and Don’ts!


I have spent a lot of time on LinkedIn lately, and have made many valuable new connections!

Weather you want to improve your LinkedIn presence, draw more attention for your business and brand, or draw “eyeballs” for potential job opportunities, this post is a must for you 🙂

Think of your LinkedIn profile as being in a tall stack of resumes. What makes you stand out, and why should somebody click and have a look!

I will expand on these points in future posts; but for today, here is a checklist to keep near!


  • Post a picture
  • Complete your profile
  • Keep your headline simple, and eye-catching
  • Personalize your intro when requesting to connect, and say thank you when people accept
  • Ask for recommendations


  • Post a picture with other people in it, or if your face is not clearly visible
  • Cram too much in to your headline (this includes no email addresses, websites or credentials that have as many letters as the alphabet)
  • Connect and run! Get to know people and engage with them
  • Just post your current job title in the headline – get creative
  • Have grammar errors or bad sentence structure in your profile 

In LinkedIn, go under “People You May Know” and scroll through.

  • What stands out on profiles? What made you click to see more?
  • What made you bypass people and keep scrolling?

This should give you the good, the bad and the ugly of what is happening on LinkedIn!

Have fun learning.

The Five Star 5 – Your Brand Can Rock…

Rock Concert

If you want it to!

Seriously (my 7-year-old son loves to say that word now)!

Today more than ever, personal branding is incredibly important. The tools are there to stand out in very crowded niches and be game changers helping those who really need it.

I think many people undervalue their worth online in one, or multiple niches that they are working in.

Always remember that people love to work with like-minded people, so don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and build a kick-a** community of raving fans.

When I think of personal branding, 5 things really come to mind:

  1. Be Yourself – Don’t try to be somebody that you are not. It rarely works, and you just look silly
  2. Engage Others -Nothing worse than somebody putting out great content but never engaging their audience
  3. Be Consistent – One big red flag that stands out for me when I come across a new brand is if their social media content is inconsistent, with long breaks of nothing. If you are in, you are in – show up often with high quality content
  4. Be of Service – It is not about you, it is about your audience. Once you get the mindset of helping others, it will be a game changer. The money will be there, as long as you don’t focus on it
  5. Start a Blog or Website With Your Name – Even if you have an existing business, it is a great idea to be branded online with your name as well. What better way to get known online than people being able to stop by “Insert”!
  • What does personal branding mean to you?
  • What struggles have you had with your brand, and what steps have you taken to make yourself a “rock star” brand now?

I would love to hear your thoughts!

Shoot me an email at, or comment below.

Oh yeah..let’s connect if we are not already!

Have a FANTASTIC day 🙂




Saturday Music Memories – Hitting “Reset On A Music Career!”

It is no secret by now that my musical taste is quite diverse.

Growing up in the ’80’s I loved many different genres of music, but I especially liked to rock! I know I know it seems far-fetched for such a clean-cut guy like myself, but it is true!

I will never forget buying Guns N’ Roses Appetite For Destruction cassette. I was quite self-conscious that the music was a little too heavy and the message a bit too over the top for my parent’s liking. But they were pretty cool about it! Some of my friends were very in to Guns N’ Roses and we went to a concert once in Winnipeg, Canada. Lead Singer Axl Rose was less than impressed to be there which did not surprise us. My friends and I translated another song in to french, played it on an acoustic guitar, and sang it which was fun for a class project.

But this post is actually about Slash, and reinventing yourself. It is easy to “judge a book by its cover” if you have not followed Slash’s career, but he is a truly brilliant person and musician. Ever since the “soap opera” that was the first line-up of Guns N’ Roses broke up, all he has continued to do is keep working and trying to reinvent himself. He has had several different solo projects and the highly acclaimed Velvet Revolver, with former Guns N’ Roses band mates including Scott Welland from Stone Temple Pilots.

But I believe his best work is happening now with a lead singer named Myles Kennedy. You can google his name if you would like to see his bio, but the bottom line is they just click. While Axl Rose is sitting at home doing whatever he is doing, Slash is out playing new material with his incredible band plus Guns N’ Roses classics.

This is one of my favourite songs, and I believe one of the most recognizable songs of all time, even after just one strum of the guitar!

If Slash was in the corporate world, I would want him on my team, because he never gives up, never stops believing in himself and those around him, and just keeps affecting people’s lives in a positive way.

You may know this one!

My Favourite 5 Posts of 2013 – #2 “The Beer Dude”


So, like  – there are lots of us on earth right?

Many of us are trying to stand out from the crowd and do “out of the ordinary stuff”. Heck many of us are trying to do ordinary stuff but still get noticed.

Like delivering beer to people’s seats at a baseball game.

There is no way to stand out from the crowd doing that right?


I had the pleasure of attending a Chicago Cubs exhibition game in April of 2011, and did not realize how much of a treat I was in for from watching a beer vendor work. His coverage of our section immediately caught my attention! He was more charismatic, more outgoing, more energetic, and more fun to watch than any other beer concession worker than I had ever seen before. I caught myself watching him work more than the game itself!

But that was not even the best part. When he left our section for a bit, I followed him and we had a bit of a conversation. I was captivated by his stories of working in the industry for many years. When I left with my drinks, he gave me his “business card”. It was a laminated baseball-like card with his picture on the front working at a game. On the back it had all of his “statistics”. By statistics I mean all the venues he had worked at during his career, and events that he attended.

I still have his “business card”, and look at it from time to time to remind me what it truly means to have a well-developed personal brand.

  • What do you do to stand out from the crowd?
  • Where do you know that you can improve to increase your exposure?

Developing your personal brand is not a “when I feel like it” thing. It should be ongoing. Daily if possible.

Be memorable, be engaging, be caring and for goodness sake have some fun!