Blog Archives

The Five Star 5 – Why I Don’t Sell In The Summer!

Summers are short in Northern Canada, so I have to make the best of the warm weather and longer days!

I actually do sell in the summer, and just wanted to get your attention with a catchy title 🙂

Here are the top 5 things that I like to do with customers and/or prospects when most of my competitors are on the golf course:

  • Drop by later in the day with cold drinks and snacks. Most people are stuck at their desks just counting down the minutes until they get to leave and enjoy the sun too!
  • Take them out to lunch! Make sure to sit on a patio and take in the great weather.
  • Attend an outdoor sports game, concert or other outdoor event. No better way to get to know them than enjoying these activities together
  • Plan a trip with key customers. Every time I hear about customer trips they rave about the good fun for years to come!
  • Have a “there are still people to sell to” mentality vs. “everyone is off ’til September so I will just coast” mentality.

These business building activities will pay dividends in the long run. Nobody likes being stuck in the office when the weather is balmy!

I am sure there are many other great ideas that I am missing. But the key is to:

  • get creative
  • build rapport
  • get sales!

You don’t want to risk your competitors having all the great ideas!

Lessons for Sellers from the Unsocial Media

Paul McCord from has an incredible post today discussing social media. If you don’t go about it the right way, connecting with somebody can become “unsocial” in a big hurry.

Enjoy his post at the link below:

Lessons for Sellers from the Unsocial Media.