Category Archives: Sales Barriers

Lessons for Sellers from the Unsocial Media

Paul McCord from has an incredible post today discussing social media. If you don’t go about it the right way, connecting with somebody can become “unsocial” in a big hurry.

Enjoy his post at the link below:

Lessons for Sellers from the Unsocial Media.

Have A Laugh Fridays – “A Few Good Expenses”

I heard about this video a few weeks ago, and finally checked it out last night. It is very funny. If you want to fast forward, the first 45 seconds of this 3 minute clip is music! Have a great weekend.

How To Increase Your Sales By Earning The Right – Video By Kelley Robertson

Kelley Robertson is somebody in the sales training space that I admire greatly, and is a fellow Canadian if I may add! In this video, he outlines four situations when you can earn the right to move the sales process forward or ask for the sale.

Kelley is very active on Twitter, and you can follow him at @FearlessSelling

He has an excellent blog which can be found at

Enjoy the video and be sure to connect with Kelley!

The Sales Effect Interviews with Michael Kroll – Video #2

This is the 2nd of two interviews that I have done to date with Michael Kroll from the Sales Effect. We discuss “Sales Barriers”, specifically the challenges with the cold calling process, focusing on gatekeepers and decision makers. Enjoy!