Blog Archives

The Story Of “The Grinder”!


I heard the phrase “are you grinding it out” yesterday and it inspired this post!

The grinder was never a superstar at any sport as a kid, but what they lacked in talent, they more than made up for in heart and desire

The grinder had trouble maintaining their “A” and “B” grades from highschool in university, even failing one course!

The grinder, while firmly established in their career, was let go from a job

The grinder had several jobs over a few year period, struggling to find the right fit

The grinder was inspired one day, to pick up a pen and started to write

The grinder finally took a leap of faith after many months and started a blog

The grinder dove deep in to their profession and researched heavily in the internet marketing space

The grinder started to connect with incredible people online via social media one by one, day by day. They kept moving forward using the mantra “A Little Bit Every Day”

The grinder struggled with the demands of a day job, a busy family life and extra curricular activities; but still often made time to write and develop their network

The grinder like most people, has good days and bad days, but refuses to give up; keeps moving forward and constantly reminds themselves how close they are to their goals

“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success” – Thomas Edison

The grinder is me, and I am proud to say that I refuse to give up or take steps backwards. Some days are better than others, but I constantly remind myself how badly I want it!

  • Are you a grinder, or do you need to start grinding it out?
  • Are you moving forward, or have you recently taken steps back further from your goals?
  • Do you have a “don’t quit” mentality, or are you sabotaging your thoughts with “well I guess this is all I am meant to do in life”?

Keep fighting, keep connecting with incredible people, keep being inspired and having fun!

YOU ARE closer than you think 🙂

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Stop, Look and Listen… The Follow Up!

I am still smiling from ear to ear after the great response I received last Thursday from the “Stop, Look and Listen” post! Thanks to everyone who took the time to read it, and a special shout out to those who took the time to comment. In case you missed it, here it is again:

I have been “practicing what I have been preaching” on a couple of items and wanted to give you an update:

I recently reached out to an old colleague that I have not spoken to in many years. Our relationship was a little choppy to say the least for a long time and we happily stayed “out of touch” as our careers continued with different organizations. They were happy to re-connect via social media, and vowed to stay in touch going forward.

I also had a face-to-face meeting with an old friend when he visited my city recently. We had not really hung out for the better part of ten years, and it was awesome to see each other again! We were the best of friends in university and stirred up the occasional bit of trouble, so it was nice to sit down and chat. We picked up right where we had left off which is what I expected to happen!

For the above situations, so much time had passed, I was not even sure why we “broke up” in the first place. It is all water under the bridge now. Time to move on.

A third story has been on my mind a lot since last Thursday. I became quite close with a customer of mine many years ago early in my career. We had a lot in common, and loved to talk about hockey every time I visited his store. If memory serves me correctly, we stayed in touch for a bit after I started a new role, but we finally drifted apart and never communicated again.

As my mind drifted during work last week, I finally decided that it was time to take action and reach out to him again after all these years. Within an hour of making that commitment to contact him, I received a very disturbing email. He had passed away suddenly the night before. I was in absolute shock.

– Is it time to reach out to somebody from your past?
– Is it time to leave the “past in the past” and move forward?
– Is the time to do that TODAY?

Things can change in an instant – unfortunately my third story proves that.

Hope I can motivate all of you to take action!

My Video – We All “Default” To The Couch

I have wanted to do some new videos over the past couple of months, but just have not made the time. I will finally be “taking action” over the next few weeks and develop some new ones. I can’t wait!

In the interim, I wanted to share a couple of my favourite videos today and tomorrow. I hope you enjoy them!

Couches are a comfortable place to hang out. Most of us spend too much time relaxing on them. Check out my latest video to see why less couch time leads to a more fulfilling life!

Which Stage Are You At?

I really enjoyed this motivational picture this morning. I think many of us are working on this daily!

For those of you who have been watching the Olympics, I hope you saw the women’s soccer game between Canada and the USA yesterday. It was an incredible match, and both teams should be very proud of their efforts.  Not one player on the field quit playing their heart out until the final buzzer sounded.

How close are you to achieving your goals, and how hard are you prepared to work for them?

This little picture should be a great reminder of that. Keep it close by!

Civica Library & Learning Blog

Finding this familiar? You are better off with the Nike way – Just Do It!

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Great message by Rupert! Short and sweet, and a quick reality check for success. Have a great Saturday…

Observations from a Business Insider

Oh Come on people!  I said this blog was about cutting through the crap in what people write about business not adding to it.  There aren’t just six or ten Top Tips to anything.  We’re all just lazy and wish that there were just a few simple things that we could do to ensure success.  

Well, please don’t shoot the messenger but the people who you see as successful have become that way through an infinite number of routes, through innumerable failures, through indecipherable nuances of established principles and there is no way for you to replicate it.  You can get to where they are at (or at least where you perceive them to be at) but you can’t get there in the same way that they got there.  The world has moved on and doors they were open to them are shut to you.  Look for your own…

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