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Automatic “Disconnect”!


Twitter has an “unfollow” button which many people use when necessary. Unfortunately LinkedIn does not have a “disconnect” button, where you can “relieve yourself of the burden” of networking with somebody who just does not get it! You can remove a connection, but it takes some work.

I recently had a request to connect from a gentlemen on LinkedIn, which I accepted. I sent a personalized thank you note, and made mention of the other places that he could connect with me.

To my surprise, I was then sent a generic email (with my name inserted) promoting their business and asking me to get involved. There was no acknowledgement of my personalized reply, just them “barfing out” their sales pitch. Usually I let this type of interaction slide, but I had a little “bite in my step” that day, and wanted to give them some friendly advice.

My exact response was:

“I appreciate your connection, but I don’t think that you should be “flogging” your products the moment that we connect.

Just a friendly suggestion to change-up your approach as you attempt to attract partners.

Thank you,


I thought this was going to go one of two ways. I would either never hear from them again, or they could come back with some defence of their sales strategy. Instead I received:

“Dear Tim Mushey. Thank you so much for your reply”…

Followed by a canned sales pitch being “barfed” on me a second time, but now TWICE AS LONG!

Did I mention that he also sent me one of those generic LinkedIn invites ? Yuk.

At the end of the day, those who are engaging online, specifically for business purposes, should know better. This is networking 101! Would you try to sell somebody your products and services from the moment that you met them in person? I would hope not! So why should it be ok online?

Network “virtually” like you would “personally”. Show up, be responsive and care about your connections. The last thing you want is for people to “unfollow” or “disconnect” with you soon after accepting your requests.

That would be a huge red flag that you need to adjust your approach.

Thank You & Let’s Connect!

Hi Everyone!

I wanted to take a moment and say a huge thank you for following my blog! I wish I had time to send everyone a personal thank you, but this is the next best thing.

If somebody told me that I would have 250 followers and almost 10,000 views in 4.5 months of blogging when I started in late January, I would have been very very excited. I am having the time of my life, and am looking forward to more blogging and interacting!

I also wanted to take a moment to remind you that there are several other ways to connect with me. I have included the list below. I will of course follow back if you choose to connect in these other ways. I have not quite completed my Facebook Fan Page timeline yet, but hopefully over the next couple of weeks.



Facebook Fan Page


You Tube Channel

Thanks once again for all of your support, and have an awesome week!
