A Special Guest Post – Networking Is Pointless


I am so excited to introduce one of my best friends, Roger Demas to everyone. I have the distinct pleasure of posting his first writing online. He picked my blog to post on before his even launches! His take on networking is entertaining and provides lessons that we can all learn from. Enjoy!

Networking is pointless!

…. Or is it truly the basis of almost every long lasting personal and business relationship?

I was inspired to write this by a recent online discussion. I saw a question about networking and whether it was effective. One of the first responses was a bold “all caps” –

“Networking is a waste of time.”

Ironically, this discussion was on a social networking site!

Not only do I completely disagree with the statement, but I feel that networking can and does happen all the time.
We network every day. Speaking on the phone, sending email or other electronic communication, engaging through social media and traditional face to face dialog – it is all networking.

Networking situations can have positive results, if you want them to. When I introduce myself to a new neighbor and ask what they do, I am networking. When I am riding my bike and say hello to a passerby, I am networking. When I post or share something on social media, I am networking.

It is ultimately what you do next that makes the networking worthwhile. If I introduce my neighbor to someone else that they might be able to do business with, that is effective. If I stop and engage in casual conversation with that passerby and find out more about them, that is effective. And if I take the next step to introduce myself and offer help to a fellow social networker, that is effective.

Every person that I meet and learn about can become part of my network. It really comes back to the age old theological principle of “give and you shall receive”. The more I put myself out there and the more I can provide positive sentiment to others, the more likely I am to receive positive sentiment in return. Those budding relationships become the friends, loved ones and potential business relationships or referrals that we have now and in the future.

I can say with pride that I have met and conversed with many people in different social networks that I now consider friends (even though we may have never met in person and may never do business together). I was fortunate enough that many of these people either reached out to me or responded when I reached out.

Taking that extra step to be “social” on social networks and not just “broadcasting” makes all the difference. Now I am able to connect with great people from all over the world which confirms that networking is NEVER pointless.

You can connect with Roger at:

Linkedin http://goo.gl/vsgkq
Twitter http://goo.gl/2uaSl
Google+ http://goo.gl/lBae2
Facebook http://goo.gl/4GgKM

His blog is coming soon if you want a sneak peak at: http://www.sunnycanuck.com

About Tim Mushey

Dynamic and energized sales rep, mentor and leader since 1999. This blog will be about sales, social networking, personal branding, leadership, music and having some laughs! Don’t be surprised if I mix it up on occasion, and talk about something totally different! I thrive on being part of successful, forward thinking teams. I am ready to go from the moment my feet hit the floor each morning, with the expectation that new adventures will be coming my way. It is rare that there isn't a smile on my face, as I take it all in, and have some fun along the way!

Posted on March 7, 2013, in Building Relationships, Business, Guest Bloggers, Success and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 17 Comments.

  1. Patricia Wittkopp

    Great first blog Roger! And kudos to the awesome Tim for promoting it! So exciting !

  2. I’m going to show this post to my wife the next time she questions if all that time at the pub really is “work.” 🙂

  3. Looking forward to reading more from you, Roger. Great post!

  4. Hi Tim, great post by Roger and I agree that networking takes effort, sincerity and time. Keep me posted as to when he starts his own blog. Happy Thursday!

  5. Thanks so much Tim for the great intro and allowing me to guest post for your awesome blog.

    I am incredibly honoured and excited to have my very first post (and guest post) on your site Tim. Thank you!

    Thanks for all the comments! I will swing by again a bit later.


  6. Tim – I recall the comment “networking is pointless”. And, on a SoMe site. How ironic.

    Great start Roger. Keep inviting superstars like Tim and you’ll be an overnight sensation!


  1. Pingback: Networking is Pointless – check out my guest post | Sunny Canuck

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