How Bad Do You Want It?


I spoke at a local Toastmasters Conference over the weekend and had a tremendous time! My discussion focused on the basics of Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and how to use the social website “MeetUp” to attract guests to local club meetings.

When my presentation was over, I continued to chat with several attendees.

A couple of people took particular interest in what I was doing online with social media to build my  brand. I recall comments like,

  • “You obviously don’t have kids. How could you do all this other stuff and work full-time?”
  • “What kind of day job do you have?”
  • “How much time do you spend on social media per day”?

They commented on their busy lives, and how utilizing social media to improve their future seemed nearly impossible.

I was getting nervous and was not sure what to say next. My instincts finally kicked in . I proceeded  to say one phrase in a very confident (but non-confrontational) tone,

“How badly do you want it?”

“Actually I do have kids; a seven-year old and a 13 month old. I work full-time out of the house. We are as busy like most families, seemingly running all the time. But I make it all work. I have blogged for two years, spent at least 15 minutes per day building my brand most days over the past 3 years.

I focus on doing my “social media brand building” before the family gets up in the morning, or late at night. If it is on a weekend, I sneak away from them for short periods of time. The only reason I can commit to the crazy hours is that I LOVE WHAT I AM DOING!”

I continued to discuss the “Little Bit Everyday” mantra that I learned from Jeb Blount over at Sales Gravy.

I love the gym analogy. People think that they have to buy a gym membership and workout at least one hour per day to get in shape.  Small chunks of time on a regular basis makes a difference as well. Some days I spend hours on my online presence, others only a few minutes. But I show up ALL THE TIME. You can’t start engaging with social media, get all excited, then disappear for weeks at a time. If I see profiles like that, I am gone!

When that conversation was done, one of the attendees said to me, “I never thought of it like that“!

I am happy the message resonated with them, once I explained balancing  family life, and moving my consulting opportunities forward.

  • How do you balance everything if you are working full-time with a regular “day job”?
  • How much time do you spend daily on social media, blogging and building your brand?
  • What struggles do you face as you try to move your business forward?

Would love to hear your thoughts on this very important topic. Most people are struggling just to get through the day, and it would be nice to share ideas how successful people are able to manage all of their commitments!

About Tim Mushey

Dynamic and energized sales rep, mentor and leader since 1999. This blog will be about sales, social networking, personal branding, leadership, music and having some laughs! Don’t be surprised if I mix it up on occasion, and talk about something totally different! I thrive on being part of successful, forward thinking teams. I am ready to go from the moment my feet hit the floor each morning, with the expectation that new adventures will be coming my way. It is rare that there isn't a smile on my face, as I take it all in, and have some fun along the way!

Posted on January 28, 2014, in Personal Branding and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 9 Comments.

  1. Amazing what you can do – I started my online business in between jobs but I love it so much that I manage to do both – I have 4 kids ranging from 11 – 21 and I support Reading FC – you need to be organised – use tools to automate and then ensure you pop in as and when you can throughout the day to ensure any comments are responded to etc –

    • Hey Sacha! Thanks for stopping by! Sounds like you have an excellent system going. Very inspiring to those who say they “don’t have the time” to invest.

      Keep up the great work and thanks again for stopping by!

  2. Tim, I hear you loud and clear. I have no kids in the house to speak of work two jobs and love what I do…. to not blog to me I would feel that I a missing one of my most favorite things to do. If you want it you will make the time for it 🙂 I am sure your talk was sensational!

    • Thanks Tina! Yeah I had a great time speaking at Toastmasters. Thanks for the comment – You just HAVE to make the time for it, and only you have the power to control that. We are all adults and nobody has to babysit us to do things anymore like in elementary school! Have a great night and thanks again!

  3. Moonlighting to build your brand–invest in yourself-

  4. donaldthomas176684568

    y there Tim,

    That’s probably one of the best questions you can ask. How bad do you want it. When I first started this I was working 10-12 hour days as a truck driver and posting every day on my blog and spending time learning things. It takes work, that’s for sure. The one thing is you gotta stay engaged.

    I have learned that you don’t have to create a blog post everyday – once or twice a week (I’ve even gone with longer stretches) as long as you promote, promote , promote

    Let me say that I have to respectfully disagree with you in regards to your comment about being gone if you don’t like someone’s profile. It may be like you said that they are struggling to get through the day. Read more on that here.

    Perhaps YOU are the one person that they can connect with that will get them motivated to take action. Incidentally – YOU are the reason that I am back over at linkedin on a more consistent basis.

    I thank God that I had someone in my life like that. I just didn’t get Social Media and lacked the confidence to contribute and share. Now I know different. Just my thoughts.

    Good read bubba! Thanks for letting me share my thoughts.


    • Hey Donald! Thanks so much for stopping by! I am glad you are moving forward and are on a path you are content with now.

      I really appreciate your opinion on the “I am gone” comment. You are bang on – just because somebody does not engage often on social media does not mean that I should discount their efforts. Perhaps encourage them and be there for them to help move things forward.

      Great point! Thanks again for stopping by and good luck with everything!


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