Some good tips this morning on selling to a CFO. Have a fantastic Monday…

A Better Sales Person...

CFOs are paid to see risks and downside. Use these 9 tricks to change their minds and eliminate the roadblocks.

1. Never Give a Pitch

The quickest way to alienate an accountant-type is to talk about your wonderful product, your wonderful company, or (worst of all) your wonderful self.  They’re about the money, so stick to the subject.

2. Research First

Every CFO has a slightly different way of looking at financial value.  Before building a financial case, find out what’s important in this situation and what kind and size of numbers get on the CFO’s radar.

3. Focus on Cost Savings 

While CEOs are generally concerned with strategy and growing revenue, CFOs are generally interested in cost savings, backed with hard numbers and expressed in a way that makes sense to an accountant.

4. Be Concise

Present a top-level summary, backed by a detailed financial report with solid, quantified…

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About Tim Mushey

Dynamic and energized sales rep, mentor and leader since 1999. This blog will be about sales, social networking, personal branding, leadership, music and having some laughs! Don’t be surprised if I mix it up on occasion, and talk about something totally different! I thrive on being part of successful, forward thinking teams. I am ready to go from the moment my feet hit the floor each morning, with the expectation that new adventures will be coming my way. It is rare that there isn't a smile on my face, as I take it all in, and have some fun along the way!

Posted on February 25, 2013, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. Hi Tim, happy Monday to you. It is true in most fields that the customer wants to know what you can do for them. Great post.

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